Life Insurance

Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, one size does not fit all. Multiple companies and policy types exist to fill in the gaps and provide financial assistance for just about any situation. The purpose for coverage generally falls under one (or both) of the following two categories:

Salary Replacement:

Life Insurance was originally designed to provide cash to supplement the loss of income due to the death of the primary wage earner. It enables the family to live at the same economic level after the insured passes.

Living Benefits:

In recent years policy terms and conditions were added life policies to provide assistance the insured before their death.


What objectives must be met to ensure financial stability for your family’s future?

What is more important than the security of your family?
  • Do you dread the thought of burdening family members with burial costs in the event of your untimely death ?
  • Ensure that the children remain college bound is you pass ?
  • Surplus cash reserves to protect your life style ?
  • Or are you more preoccupied with a good quality of life? Enough money to enjoy retirement?
  • Tax-free income that you can’t outlive?
  • Coverage toprovide income if you become chronically ill ?

Keystar Insurance will help you secure the best policy to meet your individual goals so that you can rest easy.

Term Life, Whole Life,

Universal Life, or Burial Insurance