Renter’s Insurance

Renter’s Insurance


Renters Insurance – Protect yourself and your personal property

Picture of Apartment BuildingsHave you ever considered what would happen if the apartment above you had a fire, and your apartment suffered extensive smoke or water damage?

Your landlord’s policy likely won’t pay to replace any of your belongings. That’s up to you. You may not own the building, but you have a lot of money invested in your personal property – and it’s something you may want to protect.

Renters Insurance Coverage

A renters insurance policy can help protect your personal property from fire damage, theft, and vandalism while also providing liability protection for your visitors and guests. Given electronics, jewelry, clothing and more, research has shown the average renter owns $30,000 in personal property. (Actual values may vary throughout the U.S., and $30,000 is a rounded estimate of personal property value for a standard two-bedroom apartment.)

Your renters insurance policy typically includes:

Personal Property Protection – Covering the loss or damage of a renter’s personal belongings usually on and off of your premises, in most cases.

Liability Protection – Providing legal representation and protection against judgments for covered events.

Guest Medical Protection Generally – covers medical costs for visitors injured at a renter’s home.

Reimbursed Living Expenses – Reimbursement for costs of temporary housing, should it be necessary.